Once your child is old enough to venture outdoors on their own as a parent you are faced with a whole new set of challenges. Hopefully the pages within this section will help you help your child to develop some skills to ensure their safety. Make sure you check in regularly or join our newsletter as we will be adding to these sections as we source and research key content to share with you.



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Young children can be unpredictable which is especially important to note around traffic. Their attention span can be short and they can be easily distracted which is why as a parent we need to be a second set of eyes and ears for them. However in saying that recognising that we can’t be with them all the time this page has some links to useful sites and tips for keeping your child safe on the road.

Our key tips for staying safe around the roads are:

  • Encourage your child to always hold a grown ups hand when crossing the road
  • If a grown up isn’t available make sure your child remembers to look left, look right and then look left again or stop, look and listen before crossing the road. If nothing else either of these processes encourages them to stop as they recite this mantra in their head giving them time to observe the traffic.
  • Always ensure your child sits in the appropriate child seat and wears a seatbelt every time they are in a vehicle.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of wearing a helmet when riding their bike or scooter – no helmet no ride!
  • Go through the various traffic signs so your child knows where it is safe to cross the road.

Road Safety

We’ve gather some sites and and will continue to be supplemented and added to as we continue on our quest to ensure the safety of children.


Living in Australia in many states we understand that storms are a part of life. For that reason it is vital that everyone is actively prepared before the storm season approaches.


Living in Australia in many states we understand that storms are a part of life. For that reason it is vital that everyone is actively prepared before the storm season approaches. Check with your local city council to see when your area is most prone to storms. Involving the kids with the preparation of storm kits and procedures is actually one of the best ways to help children become less anxious about storms. Children need to know that there is a plan that’s why we have the ‘ what ifs’ so they can mentally prepare for any event. Have the children get involved in a Home Emergency Plan and the preparation of  a Home Emergency Kit. Ergon Energy provides a great emergency kit checklist.

Should a storm be approaching kids thrive on responsibility so have them check kit contents and count the batteries etc. This can be a good distraction whilst you focus on what else needs to be done around the home.

There are many apps and advance warning systems that can be sent to phones and email addresses to help us all be safe so take advantage of them. An example of one for Brisbane Qld residents can be found on the Brisbane City Council website or by clicking here.

Our key tips for staying safe during storms are:

    • Be prepared research what you and your family can do in the event of a storm.
    • Know what to do during a storm, in addition to staying calm.
    • Have a plan of what to do after a storm ensure your children know about the dangers of fallen trees and power lines.
    • Make sure children have on sturdy footwear before the storm approaches so if you have to evacuate suddenly, footwear doesn’t become an issue.
This is a site that really caters to children. It has some great resources by way of a variety of pdfs for different areas of road safety where they introduce Norman and Norma the Road Safety Roadbots. They also have a few interactive games where your child can do simple puzzles and learn about road signs and common road safety terminology.
For those of you with older children who are taking steps to gain their license and venture onto the roads. This website offers some great information around the dangers of driving while distracted and using a mobile phone while driving.
Your first time riding on the roads can be a scary time. This website has some great tips for staying safe on the roads while riding your bike.
This is an example of a local city council that provides information on storm safety and details of how to prepare for a storm. This website also provides useful contact numbers for the State Emergency Service, Red Cross etc as well as a list of the local radio stations so you can keep up to date with information in an emergency.
Ergon Energy is a Queensland electricity retailer however provides a lot of very useful information regarding what to do in a storm or cyclone and a variety of lists with safety tips for a range of different scenarios.